
Extend Your Desktop With An External Monitor


How To Extend Your Windows Desktop To An External Monitor

1. Verify that your external monitor is connected to power and a video output on your computer such as VGA, HDMI, DVI, etc.

TIP: Many current monitors have an input scanning feature that looks for output from your computer. If your monitor reports “No Signal”, make sure that the cables are securely plugged in and that the computer is powered on.

2. Verify that your computer is on and the Windows desktop is visible.

Windows Desktop

3. Right click in an empty area on the Windows desktop. A menu will appear.

Right Click Display Options

4. On the menu that appeared in Step 3, click “Graphic Options” > click “Output To” > click “Extended Desktop” > click “Built-in Display + Monitor“.

TIP: If you are extending the desktop on a laptop and the laptop is located to the left side of the monitor select “Built-in Display + Monitor”. But, if the laptop is located to the right of the monitor select “Monitor + Built-in Display”. The appropriate configuration will allow your mouse cursor to flow smoothly between the displays from left to right.

If you would like to change the display where your icons and Start bar appears, check out our guide on How To Change Your Primary Monitor.

About Paul Luckett

Paul Luckett is the founder of, a resource dedicated to helping people get more done with less effort. The time he saves by leveraging technology is invested toward becoming a better husband, father and entrepreneur. Paul enjoys creating new things. You can read about his latest project here.

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